Thursday, July 22, 2010

Keep Fit As You Age

The aging process starts from the day we are born. A person may not realize it but we need to work on staying fit and healthy everyday. In the end, you’ll feel and look younger all during the aging progression.

There are many things you can do to stay healthy and feel good. Watch your diet and continue activities throughout the course of your life. Your diet has a lot to do with aging and health. Your diet contains vitamins, minerals and other nutrients you need to stay healthy.

If your over weight try getting yourself into an exercise program. Walking is a great program to get involved. Start out walking gradually and work your way up to 12 to 15 miles by walking two or 3 times a week. Walking brings up the heart rate making it do its work. You can loosen the tight and stiffness in your legs and besides loosing weight with diet it will help to tone your muscles. Combined weight lifting with your walk agenda but don’t over work, yourself because it will make your muscles sore. Along with your new walking and weightlifting program trim down your diet and take supplements to make up for the vitamins you are cutting out. Exercising will burn up some of your vitamins too so make sure you take enough but not too much of the supplements. If you are not sure about the amount to take, consult you physician.

As you build new activities, you will be meeting people and that always gives you something new to talk about to help keep the depression away. You will need encouragement and support throughout your goal to stay healthy. Seek support from family, friends, or people with the same goals.

As we grow older high cholesterol becomes a health issue with most of us. Your new walking program is a good start to lowering your levels.  2 miles a day, 3 times a week will help you to lower your cholesterol by helping you lose the excess weight you’ve put on in the last couple of years. If walking doesn’t seem to be helping to level out your cholesterol, try eating seven nuts. The combination of both will sometimes bring it to a balance. Be sure your doctor knows what your doing as these things continue. Grease is good in nuts and olive oil to help lower the blood pressure and blood sugar as well. Try changing your diet and eat more whole grain foods while you cut back on the meat you love so much. Instead of using, spreadable fats use olive oil and canola margarine. As a snack…sneak in those nuts:

Has your blood pressure gone up in your older years? Try adding three servings of low-fat dairy products to you diet. Calcium, magnesium and potassium are good to help lower that blood pressure.

Cancer is always a threat to us young or old so we need to start early on trying to help prevent it. Vitamin D is a good vitamin to take along with getting 10-15 minutes a week of sun with no sunscreen on. Watching your diet and taking vitamins, helps reduce the risks of getting colon, breast, or ovarian cancer. 

Ovarian cancer for women is very common, yet women have the power to lower their risks. Green and black tea 2 times a day or even eating an apple or grapefruit will help.  Anything that is high in antioxidants is good. 

Mixing your foods to cover everything daily is a good idea so you don’t get bored eating the same things all the time. Mixing up what you eat in a recipe or on your plate the nuts, maybe some black-eyed peas, whole grain wheat bread or cereal and add a little peanut butter on that bread.

Changing your foods that you eat may not stop you from getting cancer but it is known to lower the risk and help prevent it. Remember your not a doctor so be sure to have regular check ups.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Herbs Known To Help With Aging

Many herbs can help you maintain good health. If you are healthy, you will feel better in all areas. Herbs are like vitamins. Herbs are all natural so they will not harm you. On the market, you will find herbs of all sorts.

How are herbs used and what do they do?
Herbs are used for many reasons. Herbal teas are used to cleanse the digestive system, or overall internal body. Herbs are used as medicines, vitamins, supplements, etc. It depends on what you want to use the herbs for which ones you get. You will find herbal teas used to treat common colds as well. Herbs are available to help reduce wrinkles, or other aging features.

Some of the popular herbs include Kava-Kava. Kava is used to reduce anxiety. Kava will help you relax and sleep well. Another herb is Plum Flower. The herbs are used to treat people who suffer with various illnesses, including migraines, hypertension, cancers, heart disease, gastro intestine problems, common headaches and so on. Emperor is great for the souls who feel restless often. GUI-PI supplements are great for workaholics. The herbs work to nourish the mind. ELEUTHERO- supports the system by providing you with improved blood circulation. Gingko Biloba is a great herb that increases blood circulation. The herbs will help the lungs function proper, while distributing or promoting oxygen flow, which in turns produces freedom of blood flowing to the brain.

If you have difficulty with joints and muscles, which may be caused by arthritis, bursitis, or some other type of joint, muscle, or spinal disease you may find benefit from tea pills. Inflamed joints cause pain and swelling. You will find Joint specific tea inflammation pills that assist with relieving you of these symptoms. During mid-age you may take delight in the rejuvenating teas. The teas will help you feel good. On the market, you will find many helpful herbs that promote healthy aging.

One of the better herbs for those suffering with memory loss or forgetfulness is Ginkgo Biloba herbs that support healthy brain functions. Gingko Biloba designed to enhance mental alertness is a great herb as well.

How do I find more information about the herbs?
You can find all sorts of herbs you want at most Wal-Mart stores. Herbs are sold in malls, herbal stores, drug stores and so on. You will herbs online as well. It is good to check out the herbs online, since you will have additional details that help you to learn what herbs are used for. Just remember to ask your family doctor before you take herbs. Some medications work against herbs despite that the herbs come from natural resources. 

How do I know herbs are safe for me to take?
Herbs are natural, so in most cases herbs are very good to take. Herbs rarely cause side effects like many other drugs sold. In some instances however, people have experienced side effects, which is cause is not clear.

This is why you should visit your doctor first before taking any herbs, over-the-counter meds, or vitamins. For the most part if you find the FDA approved herbs you may not experience side effects. Keep in mind though the FDA, US Government, Pharmaceutics and so on keep some herbs out of this country, since they have proven to cure certain diseases. The US is backed by greed, which enforces particular people to focus on month, rather than healthy people. For this reason you should decide at your own risk. Most importantly however, you want to consider the herbs and its purpose first.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Stress And How It Effects Aging

People are often unaware of what stress can do to their body and mind. Stress is bad for the heart. Stress will give you headaches, or make you feel depressed. Stress can do many harmful things to your body and mind, yet in some instances stress is good. Balancing stress is the key to living healthier.

If you live with unhealthy stress, you will need to take action to reduce the volume. You have many options to relieve stress.

Where does stress come from?
Stress develops from many different things. For instance, bills can cause you stress. Not paying your bills on time due to lack of funds can cause stress. Not having a job or kids can stress you out to the max. In addition, bad relationships can wear on your nerves.

What can you do to get some relief from stress?
Some of the things that may help you to find relief from stress include reading a good book. Wrap yourself up in a warm blanket or cool area depending on the weather and enjoy a good book. Writing is one of the top keys that help you to reduce stress. When you are overloaded with stress, write down your feelings, emotions, thoughts and so on. Writing is a great exercise, put it to good use. Avoid overdoing it, so that you learn to enjoy writing rather than feeling frustrated at the thought of writing.

You could also enjoy a nice hot, bubble bath. Add some candles around the tub, soak and enjoy. There are many ways that people can find relief from stress; you have to decide on the best way for you to find that relief. Go with whatever works best for you.

If you cant find a way to do it on your own perhaps you can visit your family doctor, a counselor, friend or family member that will guide you to reducing your stress. Support is a great tool. Build up a support group that helps you live healthier, rather than wearing you down.

What does stress do to my body?
Stress will do a lot to your body if you let it. It will control your emotions, thoughts, actions, behaviors, bodily functions and so on. If you allow stress to control you, it will bring you down to nothing, making you feel worthless. Stress can do a lot of damage to your body as well as your mind.

What can I do so I am not so stressed?
Stress can be reduced by minimizing bad habits. Try paying your bills on time if possible. If you cannot pay your bills on time due to insufficient funds, pay enough to avoid shut-off notices. You may want to setup a budget so that you spend wisely. Help is only a phone call away as well. Pick up your phone book, talk to people in your area, etc, since you just may find money available to help those with low-income pay bills.

Another good way to avoid stress is to stay away from those who drag you down. If you have friends or family members feeding you negativity, let them go and find positive friends instead. Sometimes tough love is our way of saying, “I’ve had enough.”

In addition, you can learn to eat healthy, exercise and put away those things that wear on your health. For instance, if you smoke, drink excessively, use drugs, etc, you are wearing heavily on your nerves. Put these things behind you if possible; otherwise seek help to put these things behind you. You have many options; check your resources to learn what is available to you.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Bone Health

Each day we live, we grow older failing to see that our bones and muscles demand activities to continue strength, endurance and resistance to life’s nasty living demands. Our bones need continued activities through out our lives starting as a child. Until we turn 30, the bones continue to build. After this age, the bones begin to disintegrate. You can cutback this degeneration process by taking care of your bones in youthful days. 

How it is achieved:
Bone health is achieved through activities, such as exercise. In addition, you maintain healthy bones by increasing calcium. Supplements are available, which include the FDA marked remedies to help reduce bone loss from natural aging.

Taking calcium is very important during our entire life.  Children should drink 2 cups of milk each day and adults 3 cups. Calcium in food is better to take than pills because you get more of it; food sometimes doesn’t have the right amounts in it due to the way it has been processed. Get that calcium in your body at an early age and keep it there. Besides calcium however, your bones demand a mixture of magnesium. You will also need a healthy dose of phosphorous. Vitamin D facilitates calcium to flow through the bloodstream. Free flowing bloods make a healthier you.

To improve bones, we also need to start at an early age getting plenty of vitamin D. As we get older, we have a tendency to stay out of the sun more. Don’t sit in the house all day. Rather try to get outside around noon and get some sun with all those vitamin D rays. Supplements can be used but again the sun is better. Maybe take a walk for 15-20 minutes each day to get the sun.

As we aging into the later years of our life, we have to keep those bones strong. You can benefit from weight bearing works, such as walking. Keeping those bones strong will help you survive falls. Falls is one of the leading reasons of bone breakage or fractures, especially as we grow older.

Unfortunately, adolescents don’t realize the importance of taking care of our bones. As these adolescents pass puberty however, their bones start to decline. Once a person reaches 50, the bones start to deteriorate, which puts you at high risk of fractures, disease and breakage. As the bones weaken, the muscles and joints will also degenerate. Injures then can lead to gouty arthritis, arthritis, osteoporosis and so on.

The high-risks of bone fractures are charted, which include hip fractures being the most common injure amongst the elderly. Hip fractures may sound like a minor ordeal, yet the truth is hip fractures are responsible for some deaths.

Weak bones are avoidable even once you are middle age. It’s never to late to repair or mend our bodies.

Staying fit is the key to preventing risks of disease, hip fractures etc since the bones will stay healthy. In view of the fact, you want to consider a daily schedule, which includes activities and exercise. You want to keep those muscles free to move, since the muscles protect the bones. Stretch workouts and exercise will prevent your joints from feeling stiff as well, which joints support the muscles and bones.

When you exercise you, maintain weight. As you start to age, the body fat increases to more than 30%. This is too much added weight for the muscles, joints and bones. Carrying around this kind of weight on the feet, legs, etc will cause problems later. Maintaining your weight will help prevent and lower your risks of heart disease, bone disease, high-blood, high-cholesterol, diabetes and so on.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Benefits Of Vitamin E

Did you know that at least 200 UI daily of vitamin E can help fight various diseases? Studies found that alpha tocopherol, or Vitamin E has proven to fight particular diseases. Studies show that Vitamin E may help with oxygen preserving and potentially offers cure for various disease. Taking 200 IU daily may trim down up to 40% or more of oxygen preserves, which controls bodily organs and the heart.  The vitamin seems to have a “anti-coagulant” that has proven to support the overall bodily functions. Vitamin E was discovered to reduce blood clotting and can help prevent heart disease.

The vitamin is said to assist with dilating flowing blood vessels. This means the heart will receive the blood flow it deserves to stay healthy. Vitamin E has also been linked to an anti-aging solution. Many doctors believe that this helpful vitamin will stabilize a person’s overall development or maturity. In fact, German doctors called Vitamin E the fountain of youth. In extensive studies, vitamin E was found to promote blood flow. According to the findings, Vitamin E when present is an resister to aging. 

Vitamin E is linked to promoting hemoglobin. Since aging has an unknown affect on blood cells and bone marrow, doctors believe that Vitamin E’s support to hemoglobin is a potential solution to solving disease related to hemoglobin. Our hemoglobin structure detains oxygen for an extended time, which means that oxygen will flow smoothly. Vitamin E has been linked to reduced risks of disease, since it is said that oxygen will stay within the cavities of hemoglobin at a lengthier time. This means that the person will live a healthy, youthful life.

Sometimes as we grow older, the blood that forms in our system slows. Vitamin E works to allow blood to flow smoothly. In view of the facts, doctors found that this vitamin may reduce the risks of anemia. Vitamin E was discovered to perhaps purify the blood, which allows it to flow smooth throughout the body. As we grow older, our body experiences many changes, which prompts aging plaques. These plaques when build will cause wrinkling, sagging, crowfeet, and other aging signs. Vitamin E works to maintain metabolism by potentially keeping away fatty acids, which are saturated. (Learn more about hydrocarbons and peroxides, which are aging toxins)

At what time saturated fats join with Vitamin E to slow aging. We need a degree of fatty acids, yet when the acids build it creates elements that promote aging. Vitamin E has shown signs of controlling the blood fats, keeping the fats at bay. Blood fat is also linked to aging. Therefore, we can see that vitamin E has much to offer. Yet, some experts argue that Vitamin E has side-effects that could cause harm; many other experts uphold the ability of support that Vitamin E offers.

Vitamin E has also shown signs of reducing ailments of the muscles. The healthy regimen of vitamin E daily according to experts can reduce arthritic symptoms. According to experts, arthritis and its sister components may link to rapid aging.

Vitamin E has shown to reduce leg cramps. In fact, studies were conducted by qualifying doctors who tested their patients. The patients complained of leg cramp, which doctors recommended Vitamin E. During this particular study the patient who ceased Vitamin E reported cramping in the legs. The patient was asked to start up the vitamin once more and when he returned to visit his doctor, the leg cramps ceased. The studies were conducted at the California or American Colleges of Physician. To learn more about vitamin E and what it can do for you, research your topic to find your purpose.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Power Of Positive Thinking

How to think positive

Many people wander the earth believing they the lack the strength and power to achieve their goals. This negative mechanism holds them down. You can gain motivation and live healthier, by simply telling yourself “I can do it.” Anything you put your mind to, you can do it if you want to. 

How to tell self I can do it:
Just say today I am going for a short walk. Tomorrow I will walk a little longer then the first day. You have to be in control of your thoughts, actions, behaviors, etc by building your power of the mind. Nevertheless, if you do not put your mind to it and you decide that you do not want to become active, and then you are only living a life filled with shortcomings. Your negative reflections will defeat the purpose of getting your thoughts in control. Saying I will do it later, is another negative reflection. This is called procrastination, which leads to laziness. Laziness leads to weak muscles and joints, which gradually builds up to medical problems.

Take control of your thoughts. If you want to do something bad enough you will do what you have to do to get where you want to be. You need to make a goal and stick to it. Create plans that help you to reach your goals, and take action each day to achieve.  When you give up, it is a sign that you lack faith in self and is a clear indication of weakness. You need faith to stay strong. As well, you need positive thinking to strive.

Good results:
Having a positive attitude will give you a jumpstart to a healthier life. Keep on pushing. Do not stop once you get started instead go until you reach your goal. When times get hard and you don’t think you can go on just remember I –can- do – this always keep your head up and mind open. Don’t dwell on something you can’t change, rather focus on the things you have power to change.

How to continue positive living:
To stay positive you have to admit your feelings and express them. If you feel depressed or frustrated, just say it aloud. There is nothing wrong with showing emotions, providing you do not beat up your best friend physically to express those emotions. Stay in control and express what you feel.

You have to talk about how you feel and don’t blame your self but try to figure out why you are so depressed or frustrated. Failing to discover your intentions or reasons will reduce your control, especially if you do not understand what you need or want. Do not worry about the cause, rather find your wants and needs and the cause will come to you.

Here is some pointer that might help you to get where you want to be. You have to look for a good role model and become acquainted with their way of thinking positive. Try to talk positive and avoid negative talk. Seek some support from friends and family.

Reward your self with a massage or listen to your favorite music. Make a plan and stay with it no matter what. Just remember you can do whatever you want to do and keep your mind set for the good things and not the bad things. This will make you feel better and make you a happier person. If you’re happy, you will have a healthier life. Don’t forget to create a goal. Don’t make the goal so high that you won’t be able to keep it, but make it so that you can meet your goals.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Healthy Body Aging Starts At Home

We can all appreciate the term, aging gracefully. Do we know exactly what this means?  When we think of growing older, it is always affiliated with pain and discomfort. We read about ways to improve our inner mind and body but the focus should also be about our environment. By taking care of our surroundings of where you reside, can lead us to a healthy and happy years to come. 

It is said that home is where the heart is, and your home should be a place of sanctuary.  It should not be a source of element and emotional stress. Creating a healthy home is more complicated than you think. Many of us have allergies that sometimes lead to illness. You may want to remove unwanted carpets or other dust catchers, bathing pets on a regular basis, and investing in an air filter. You will find dehumidifiers and humidifiers online, which can help reduce elements in your home that causes allergies.  

Your home should be nurturing. If there is lack of comfort in your living space, try the following:

Bring the outdoors in. Cut flowers bring in pieces of rocks or other natural elements that gives you a sense of nature.

Put green plants in your home. This is essential to filtering indoor pollutants.  The recommendation for the quantity of plants is two plants to every 100 feet. In addition, the plants will distribute natural oxygen throughout your home. What a great way to live a healthy aging life.

Fewer items means less frustration, clean out the clutter, let go of the things you do not use or need. If you think you need these items, sit down and weigh out the pros and cons. If you see that the cons are higher than the pros, get rid of it. Let it go.

In addition, take advantage of the sun; allow as much sunlight as possible to flow through your house. This gives you’re home a feeling of warmth. Take care that you avoid direct sunlight however for prolonged periods, since the sun can cause harm.

Did you know that colors effect your emotionally and affect the way you feel in a home?  Every color has a significant meaning that could represent our physical and mental state.  For instance:

Red room:  Energizing, supports energy and passion and creates movement.  Great for an exercise room, not beneficial in your bedroom. 

Yellow room:  Inspires organization, intellectual clarity with happy thinking.  Even by using the color yellow as accents instead of painting, all walls will be positive. 

Green room:  Brings balance and tranquility but has the same energizing qualities.  Often used as a calming place for thinking for people in trouble or just needing to feel refreshed, since natural is our first established home. We all love nature, rather most of us do. Green plants, flowers, etc all bring nature into focus, which makes the heart feel good.

White room:  Essential for feeling cleansed and purified. Remember that too much white brings a sterile environment that can also become isolated. Make sure to accent a white room with a vibrant color when painting all white. This is a perfect color for ceilings to brighten up with sunlight. 

Improving your life could easily start in the home, whether its trying something new with something natural or changing a color, these are easy methods to create harmony and balance in your surroundings, not to mention inspiration and warmth. The more effort you put into aging healthy, the more you will see good results.

Tip: Animals has proven to be a source of healing. Allow a friendly critter to touch your heart.